About Us

Imperial Coco

Established in 2019

Our Story

Everything big starts small, including us. A long time ago, when I was a teenager, my friend and I had a dream to go global with Indonesian natural resources, because we saw a huge potential in this. We have an enormous natural wealth that most other countries do not have. Why not share it to the world? It would be cool, that’s our simple thought. Our dream sadly faded over time as we each pursued our corporate careers and walked different paths. 

A few years ago, we met again, talked about our goals and future, and we both strongly felt that we should have worked together as partners to start this business. So, we started from zero. Initially, we have only sold our commodities locally, from the farmers to the e-commerce market, as not many people do it at that time. The market response has been great ever since. Over time, we feel we can bring it to the next level.

Now, here we are, ready to strengthen our commitment every day to making best quality Indonesian natural products and take it further. Our goal is to become a global leader in our product categories by growing a sustainable business that benefits not only our customers, but also to give our local farmers and their families a better life, by bringing our nutritious natural goodness to the world.  We hope you want to walk the same path together with us.


Mela H. Sutanto
Founder of Imperial Coco

our commitment

Jl Sadarmanah 143, Leuwigajah,

Kota Cimahi, West Java,

Indonesia – 40532

Phone / Whatsapp : +62 857 7000 7552

WeChat (中文) : +62 858 1033 3343

Email : info@imperialcoco.com

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